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My full story...

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In equestrian sport, athletes must navigate and harmonise their relationship with another living, thinking being. It requires the integration of the thoughts, feelings and behaviours of both the rider and the horse, this makes it one of the most challenging sports of all.


One of my strengths as a coach is my sensitivity to the emotions and struggles that individuals experience both in and out of the arena. This empathetic approach has been a crucial element in my success with clients.

By fostering a supportive environment and helping individuals reach a positive mental state, I found that the physical challenges of sport (and life) became so much more manageable.

In my coaching, I emphasise essential skills such as goal-setting, resilience in the face of setbacks and the importance of maintaining a broader perspective. These components form the foundation of my coaching philosophy.


The Early Days
My journey of

My journey of self-discovery started at a very young age. I was fortunate to travel the world with my parents during my early formative years.

Immersing myself in diverse cultures sparked my fascination with the lives (and behaviours) of others. I devoured books and questioned everything around me, gleaning profound insights about myself and the world during this pivotal time.

At fifteen, I faced the profound loss of my father. This sudden tragedy took a toll on my mother, who experienced a near-breakdown from the shock, forcing me to grow up overnight.

As the only child, in the aftermath of this enormous loss, I was forced to manage my studies as well as much of the responsibility for our family’s equestrian business.

During this period of upheaval, family responsibility and isolation, I was sexually assaulted.  This confusing and devastating experience led me down a very difficult path of learning and growth and ultimately, to healing.

Choosing to study Psychology at Macquarie University was a natural progression for me. I gained valuable knowledge and the experience shaped my perspective.

After two years of formal study, I found the academic approach to understanding people too simplistic and clinical and I left psychology behind.

Returning to my passion for equestrian pursuits, my dedication led to a lengthy and accomplished career in dressage. I competed successfully in various disciplines up to the national level, including show jumping and eventing.

At eighteen I was qualified to coach at lower levels and by the time I earned accreditation with the National Equestrian Federation (EFA), I was coaching and training horses at advanced levels.

My coaching career spanned nearly 40 years, before it came to an abrupt end due to a significant accident and health event that forced me into early retirement from the sport.


Trusting myself!

"One of the key lessons I learned is that mindset is far more important than the events themselves."

In 2018, a skiing accident resulted in a tear in my left vertebral artery, leading to two strokes. One affecting the cerebellum and the other, more significantly, the brainstem.

This has left me with Wallenberg Syndrome, which presents daily challenges.

By standard medicine, my recovery has been remarkable, astonishing both my neurologist and other professionals who have supported me throughout this journey.

I have largely overcome the trauma and anxiety of this experience by actively working on my personal growth every day and embracing any challenges that come my way.

I now focus my energy on changing what I can control, such as my diet and lifestyle and develop strategies to manage stress and anxiety over things outside of my control.


Why a strong focus on
Whole Food Plant Based Nutrition is so important to me

Going plant based is a personal choice and I respect that a commitment to a fully plant-based lifestyle is not for everybody, nor is it the healthiest choice for some.


From my personal experience, I strongly believe, that an emphasis on whole food plant-based foods is a MUST for anyone who is wanting to achieve a higher level of nutrition and health.


Personally, I became vegan for two reasons; the immediate health benefits I gained and not wanting to cause suffering.


Loss, Survival & Healing

"I asked myself how could this happen when I was fit and strong?"

In early 2018 I embarked on a pilgrimage to the Lech skiing resort, in Austria, I went to re-live some of the best memories with my Mum, as sadly I had lost her the year before. After eight painful years watching her slip away, it was not an easy ending for such an inspirational and wonderful woman.


The skiing holiday delivered. I was finding peace in my grieving process and replacing the sad memories of recent years with happier ones from the past.


Suddenly, as we were leaving the resort, I collapsed. I had a Left Vertebral Artery Dissection (LVAD) and Stroke.


I was in a foreign country, alone, afraid, still responsible for my young daughter and I was facing my own death. The pain was excruciating, and not only physical, but mental and spiritual.


Those first weeks after my collapse I was misdiagnosed multiple times. The thought of another episode happening again shook me to the core. I risked my life every day, over and over and I lost my faith in doctors.


But I survived! 

I recognise now, this experience in Austria traumatised me further on every level possible. But in return, what I learned was;

  • Crying is not a bad thing

  • I am not a machine

  • Look for diamonds in mountains of rock

  • When possible death is close, choose life

  • I am not ready to die


It was so hard to reconcile the “former positive me” with this scared fragile new version of myself. I prayed, begged and finally I decided to LIVE. In the midst of this experience, the gifts started to reveal themselves, I now:

  • See people clearly and fully

  • Realise all places are beautiful

  • Resonate with suffering more deeper than ever before

  • Have a profound calling to help other people through their suffering

  • Feel my heart more open and accepting of others

  • Can embrace love in it's entirety 


Coming home...

"In addition to wanting to overcome my own fears, I did not want to be part of causing fear and misery for other living beings."

The decision to become a committed vegan and animal activist was quickly and easily set in stone. It was a perfect fit.


I felt so much better after making my decision. Every single day I feel healthier and lighter. I walk on the beach and take time to talk to people. I go a little slower and inhale the scent of the ocean.


If I ever slip into that fearful place, I walk to my beautiful beach and collect a shell. Each shell marking another day closer to full health. Anything less is just not an option. I have a special jar to fill with my healing shells. When the jar is full and my healing complete, I will either make something beautiful with them or return them to the ocean.


I am still collecting shells.


These healing days represent learning how to appreciate every moment, every special person, every animal in my life and on this planet. It has given me appreciation of learning new things and to give back, and to be an ambassador for those who have no voice.


My prayer is that I can make a difference in this world as I fill my special jar and heal my body and soul.


Full Circle

"Soon after becoming vegan and shifting my mindset I saw the health benefits start to emerge."

I was soon dropping all my excess weight, losing 12kg without even trying. My blood work was so good my neurologist was envious and wanted to know my secret...!


Then after my own journey with a vegan nutritionist, I decided to study why a plant based diet was so healthy and what was it about this diet that can change most people's lives.


I continue to study, and I am still on the learning and expanding and I am loving it!

I also recently got married to a wonderful man, Tim who has embraced my life including my past, my setbacks and my love for animals, which is something that I didn't expect to find so soon after my recovery! Tim was vegetarian for 30 years but soon became vegan and hasn’t looked back!


 If you are also interested in either becoming fully more or partially plant based, I am here to help you. Please contact me.

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